Hello World!
I'm Ye Yuan

I'm actively seeking Summer 2024 SDE Internship opportunities! As a dedicated CS Master's student at Carnegie Mellon University, I am driven by my passion for Software Engineering, Scalable Systems, Machine Learning, and Computer Security. If you have exciting opportunities, don't hesitate to reach out at [email protected]!

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Latest News


Hydra Web

Developed a twitter-like social network web application using Ruby on Rails, included a very generic design of any modern-day social media application, like viewing and creating posts, commenting and favoriting on existing posts, forming a group with a couple of users, and chatting with friends privately.

  • Ruby on Rails
  • React
  • Docker
  • AWS

Hawk App

Developed an Android mobile application, aimed to make your community safer, with Java and OpenCV framework, including several video stream detection functions driven by the latest neural networks.

  • Android
  • Java
  • OpenCV
  • C++

Homework Submission Platform

Developed a full-stack, monolithic architecture web application with Java Spring-SpringMVC-MyBatis framework for homework collection service to instructors and about 600 students in my department.

  • Java
  • Spring
  • React
  • MyBatis

    City's Subway Guide

    Developed a Windows client to support navigations for a complex subway system with 20+ lines and 300+ stations, with graphical UI designed with Qt and APIs developed with C/C++.

    • C/C++
    • Qt
    • MySQL


    With experience in various web development and scalable system technologies, I have honed my skills across the full spectrum of Backend to Frontend design.
    Discover my proficiency in each skill (Starter, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert) by hovering over the keywords.

    About Me

    Ye Yuan's Photo

    I'm a vibrant and enthusiastic CS master's student at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), on a thrilling academic journey that began at Huazhong University of S&T (HUST, China) and later, UC Santa Barbara for my Bachelor's degree. With an impressive 3.97/4 GPA (92.2/100) amassed from 135.8 undergraduate credits in my major, I proudly ranked in the Top 7 out of 253 students. My achievements have been recognized with the prestigious National Scholarship, the highest honor for Chinese undergraduates, awarded to me in both 2020 and 2021. Furthermore, my unwavering dedication to academic excellence has kept me on the HUST Outstanding Undergraduates List (Dean's List) since my very first year.

    Personal Image 1

    The following content is still under preparation. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus non dui euismod, ultrices nunc ut, congue metus. Sed in felis eget massa varius bibendum vel at lacus. Curabitur eleifend quam quis neque eleifend, ut consectetur velit convallis. Donec gravida sodales mauris, eu bibendum sapien pulvinar vel. Nam feugiat diam eget enim rutrum feugiat. Sed sed enim euismod, faucibus augue vel, gravida nibh. Phasellus sed mi blandit, consectetur justo eget, euismod ipsum. Sed eu est at eros rhoncus accumsan sed vel neque. Suspendisse ornare tristique risus, nec dapibus tellus bibendum at. Vivamus lobortis sagittis nulla, nec dictum magna vulputate eget. Integer vel elit nec elit lobortis facilisis a a metus. Proin sit amet massa enim. Sed gravida nibh vitae accumsan aliquet. Quisque eu semper nulla, ut euismod dolor.





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    Programmer: A machine that turns coffee into code